Electronics & Appliance Recycling

Compare Quotes to Recycle Your Used Electronics and Appliances

Electronics & Appliance Recycling

Compare Quotes to Recycle Your Used Electronics and Appliances

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Recently Booked Jobs

Satisfied customers are booking waste services on WastePlace every day.

Electronics Recycling

Location Type: Business, first floor

Materials: Electronics

Volume: 1 truckload

Price: $200/load (Bids: 4)

Location: Boston, MA 02128

Business Junk Removal

Location Type: Business

Materials: Boxes, electronics

Volume: 1 truckload

Price: $120/load (Bids: 5)

Location: Pflugerville, TX 78660

Electronics Disposal Job

Location Type: Apartment, first floor

Materials: Electronics, trash

Volume: 3 truckloads

Price: $100/load (Bids: 3)

Location: Braintree, MA 02184

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