October 4, 2022
Happy Hauler Appreciation Day! Happy Hauler Appreciation Day! All of us here at WastePlace want to take this opportunity to thank YOU, our dedicated haulers, for working your asses off day in and day out.

October 4, 2021
Happy Hauler Appreciation Day!We are excited to announce that WastePlace is officially declaring October 4th, Hauler Appreciation Day! That’s a Texas sized 10-4!

January 3, 2022
Major Companies Contributing To The Plastic CrisisClever marketing can make any company appear trustworthy. After all, when you grow up consuming yummy hot chocolate from a company with a cute bunny for its mascot, or sip on a crisp soda that makes your stomach feel better when you’re sick...

December 12, 2021
The Difference Between Biodegradable and CompostableAs you search for ways to reduce your daily damage to the planet, two common buzzwords will inevitably pop up along the way: biodegradable and compostable. They both involve materials being broken down so our landfills...

December 5, 2021
Clever Ways To Reuse Un-Recyclable Packaging/ProductsThe EPA estimates the United States generated approximately 267.8 million tons of trash in 2017, meaning each person tossed about 4.51lbs of trash per day. Back in 1990, that number was estimated to be was around 208 million tons...

November 12, 2022
5 Earth-Friendly Ways To Use Food ScrapsFood waste is the number one occupant in landfills in the US. According to a recent study, American households toss out 150,000 tons of food each day which breaks down to roughly a pound of food per person per day.

October 25, 2022
Going Zero-Waste....13 Easy DIY Recipes For Everyday ItemsGoing zero-waste doesn’t just mean finding products with more sustainable or less packaging. While that’s definitely a goal, the products we use to clean ourselves and our homes are washed down the drain and wind up in our waterways...

October 22, 2022
10 Sustainable Swaps For Common Household ProductsTake a walk around any grocery store or superstore, and you’ll find the bulk of what’s sold contains unnecessary amounts of waste, whether that waste is in the packaging of the product or the product itself or both.

October 14, 2022
How To Go Plastic Free In The KitchenGoing plastic-free or zero waste can feel a bit overwhelming when you look around your home and mentally create an ever-growing list of what inevitably ends up in the landfill. Luckily, the kitchen is one of the easiest places to make a change...

September 7, 2022
Top 3 Most Common Misconceptions About RecyclingThrowing everything that seems recyclable into a bin and calling it a day needs to be a thing of the past. While it’s easier to believe you’re doing your part than to research how to recycle items properly, the truth...

July 4, 2022
It's A Process - The Beginners Guide For Going Zero WasteUnless you plan on creating way more waste upfront and squeezing every penny from your wallet, transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle takes some planning and is, at the end of the day, a bit of a process if you want to do it in a sustainable way.

April 1, 2022
Here's What Happens When You CompostComposting is how nature recycles, or biodegrades, organic waste. No, this doesn’t mean only the most expensive Whole Foods products end up in compost bins, and voila! We have compost gold! But rather, organic waste is comprised...

September 26, 2022
Top 4 Global Zero Waste Blogs To FollowLiving in a society prone to pointing fingers whenever possible, one can easily forget most of us grew up in the dark when it comes to being green and need a little help getting there. For many, out of sight always meant out of mind when it came...

September 18, 2022
Choosing the right dumpster and size for your businessWhen it comes to waste management, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Much like the businesses that use them, dumpsters come in many sizes and serve many different purposes. Selecting the right one for your business...

September 4, 2021
"E-Waste" What is it?Living in the digital age sure has its perks. With just a few taps on a screen, practically anything can appear at your doorstep within hours, whether it be a large iced coffee from the cafe up the street, that toilet paper you forgot to...

August 28, 2022
Doing Your Part To Save Our Oceans: So Hot Right NowUnless you’ve lived under a rock covered in plastic and graffiti for the last few years, you’ve likely seen countless articles and shocking images pertaining to our ocean’s current plastic crisis flood your news feed.

August 14, 2021
Shocking Recycling and Trash StatisticsBy now, you’ve likely seen the image of the sea turtle with a plastic straw lodged up its nose. If you haven’t, you either live under a rock or never, ever go on social media. Either way, sometimes all it takes is a reminder of what we’re doing...

August 5, 2022
Simple Ways To Green Your BusinessEven in 2019, when one viral post can either make or completely break a business, many offices are still heavily lacking in their efforts to become more eco-friendly. It can seem overwhelming, changing not just the habits of a few...

July 30, 2022
What Is A Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)Knowing how our waste is managed and recyclables processed is an important aspect of becoming part of the solution. After all, knowledge is power, and knowing how this stuff all works helps to ensure everything goes where it belongs.